Agenda - Plenary

Meeting Venue:

Y Siambr - Y Senedd

Meeting date:
Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Meeting time: 13.30



1       Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure

(45 mins)                                                                                                         

The Presiding Officer will call Party Spokespeople to ask questions without notice to the Cabinet Secretary after Question 2.


View Questions



2       Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport

(45 mins)                                                                                                         

The Presiding Officer will call Party Spokespeople to ask questions without notice to the Cabinet Secretary after Question 2.


View Questions



3       Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure: The Circuit of Wales

(30 mins)                                                                                                         



4       Motion to change the name of the Reserve Policy and Legislation Committee

(5 mins)                                                                                                           

NDM6076 Elin Jones (Ceredigion)


The National Assembly for Wales, in accordance with Standing Order 16.3:


Agrees that the Reserve Policy and Legislation Committee, established on 28 June 2016, is retitled the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee.



5       Motion to Elect Members to Committees

(5 mins)                                                                                                           

NDM6078 Elin Jones (Ceredigion)
To propose that the National Assembly for Wales, in accordance with Standing Order 17.14, elects David J Rowlands (UKIP Cymru) as a Member of the Business Committee in place of Mark Reckless (UKIP Cymru).

NDM6079 Elin Jones (Ceredigion)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales, in accordance with Standing Order 17.14, elects Michelle Brown (UKIP Cymru) as a Member of the Children, Young People and Education Committee in place of Mark Reckless (UKIP Cymru).

NDM6081 Elin Jones (Ceredigion)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales, in accordance with Standing Order 17.14, elects Nathan Gill (UKIP Cymru) as a Member of the Reserve Policy and Legislation Committee in place of Michelle Brown (UKIP Cymru).



6       Debate by Individual Members under Standing Order 11.21(iv)

(60 mins)                                                                                                         


Bethan Jenkins (South Wales West)
Lee Waters (Llanelli)
Russell George (Montgomeryshire)
Jeremy Miles (Neath)
Jenny Rathbone (Cardiff Central)
Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales)
To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Regrets that the amount of money spent by the BBC on programmes for Wales in English has fallen by 25 per cent in the last decade.


2. Believes BBC Wales has a vital role to play in reflecting the lives, aspirations and challenges of the people of Wales.


3. Notes Lord Hall's admission that the funding for English language content made in Wales for a Welsh audience has dropped to unsustainable levels, and therefore calls upon the BBC to outline in detail its spending commitments to Wales in the near and further future.



7       Plaid Cymru debate

(60 mins)                                                                                                         

NDM6077 Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Notes the promises made to the people of Wales by those who campaigned for the UK's withdrawal from the European Union.


2. Calls on the UK Government to ensure that such promises are fulfilled following withdrawal from the EU, including that:


a) an additional £490 million a year will be made available for the Welsh NHS;


b) the level of funding Wales currently receives from EU programmes will be maintained;


c) the direct payment support received by Welsh farmers will be at least equal to that received through the Common Agricultural Policy; and


d) the right of EU citizens at the time of Brexit to remain in the UK without fear or hindrance is guaranteed.


The following amendment has been tabled:


Amendment 1 - Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

Add as new sub-point at end of motion:

all funding arrangements in the post-Brexit era are predicated on a fair funding framework and a major revision of the Barnett Formula.



8       Welsh Conservatives debate

(60 mins)                                                                                                         

NDM6075 Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Notes the centennial anniversaries of the Battles of the Somme, Mametz Wood and the Battle of Jutland.


2. Pays tribute to those who fought in these and other battles during the First World War.


3. Honours the memory of both those who lost their lives and those who were casualties of the First World War, and other armed conflicts.


4. Believes the Welsh Government must provide greater support to Wales's armed forces and veterans community during the fifth Assembly, including through:


a) establishing an Armed Forces & Veterans Commissioner, prioritising their specific need;

b) introducing a Veterans Card Scheme to extend privileges to former service personnel;


c) increasing funding for the Veterans' NHS Wales service, to enhance its capacity and improve its ability to help veterans in need; and


d) improving data collection in order to: establish the health needs of veterans; identify  the support needed by their family and carers; inform commissioning and service provision; and highlight the engagement needed with people in the armed forces, serving and/or at transition into civilian life.


The following amendment has been tabled:


Amendment 1 - Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

In point 4 delete "must provide greater support to Wales's armed forces and veterans community during the fifth Assembly, including through" and insert "should consider".



9       Voting Time




10   Short Debate

(30 mins)                                                                                                         

NDM6074 Mike Hedges (Swansea East)


Meeting Wales's housing need: Further action needed to increase housing supply



11   Short Debate - postponed from 6 July

(30 mins)                                                                                                         

NDM6059 Bethan Jenkins (South Wales West) 

We need our unions more than ever


Looking at the work of unions in Wales in combatting austerity and encouraging greater membership and support of unions.



The Assembly will sit again in Plenary at 13.30, Tuesday, 13 September 2016